Why create LEGS?

Goal in creating this blog:
  • Remind everyone to relax and enjoy; remember "all work and no play makes Jack a dullboy".  I myself is a working single parent.  Most of my hours are spent at work which really gives me stress.  Traveling and Eating out with my friends and families are my means to chill and relax.

  • Share the places I have been to and encourage others to visit and experience the amazing feeling of being there; That we can also travel without spending too much. 
  • Promote the Philippines.  Filipinos should know that there are lots of great places and people in our country.  
  • Promote Mother Earth.  Remind everyone to retain the beauty and essence of nature.  That we are responsible of what is happening around us, specifically to Mother Earth.
  • Remind everyone that we are not alone in the world and we have Community Responsibilities as well.

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